Проверка состояния системы

Описание работы команды утилиты ng-status.

Для проверки состояния системы NGate используйте утилиту ng-status.

  1. Команда:
  2. Результат работы утилиты:
    Current date and time: 2018-09-24 15:01:47.673246
    NTP synchronized: no
    Current user: root
    Installation data:
    Installation type  Complete
    MC version         1.0.0-1
    Node version       1.0.0-1
    Ngate version      1.0-1-20180920
    Services status:
    Name                  State                 Tasks
    nginx                 active (running)      2
    timesyncd             active (running)      2
    ng-route              active (exited)       0
    OpenDJ                active (exited)       0
    Management Demon      active (running)      1
    uWSGI                 active (running)      3
    IP WS Proxy           active (running)      1
    ng-tnt                failed (failed)       18446744073709551615
    Tarantool             active (exited)       0
    Auth backend          active (exited)       0
    Config demon          active (running)      1
    Free space:
    Partition                    Available space (megabytes)
    /var                         115
    /data                        451
    Management interface name: ens33
    Number              Address             Netmask
    Number              Address
    0                   00:0c:29:ea:2c:95
    Could not get information about IP-WS-Proxy interface:
    File empty
    ng-bindings status                        Error: could not find the node bin  
    dings file
    ng-admin status                           Not secure                                                                                                                                                                                     
    Certificate expiration dates:
    Name              Expires
    ROOT MC           Serial not found
    MC Server         Serial not found
    Node server       Serial not found
    MC Service        Serial not found